About Us

Church of the Resurrection is a Traditional Anglican Catholic Parish in the Diocese of the Holy Cross. The Most Rev. Mark Haverland is our Primate, and The Rt. Rev. Paul Hewett is our diocesan bishop. Our liturgy comes from the 1928 Book of Common Prayer and the Hymnal 1940.

The Anglican Catholic Church is one of the jurisdictions (known today as the G3) that was founded as a result of a group of continuing clergy and laity that met in St.Louis and together along with the other Continuing Churches agreed on the tenants of Traditional Anglicanism. This document is known as the Affirmation of St. Louis. You can view this document here:

We are traditional and you probably will not find another parish in the area quite like ours. Our worship style does not follow the fads or trends of culture; rather, we seek to worship Christ in the beauty of holiness – striving to do everything decently and in order. Everyone is welcome to be a part of our Church of the Resurrection family! Our mission statement comes from the late Rev. Homer Rodgers in his book The Romance of Orthodoxy – we seek to know God, love God, and enjoy Him forever.

Our church is governed by the Bible, Book of Common Prayer, the Canons of the Anglican Catholic Church, and the Seven Ecumenical Councils. The Bible is the inerrant Word of God and we believe that the Bible contains all things necessary for salvation. We follow the Book of Common Prayer as our rule of life. It is the standard for liturgical worship in the ACC. Every Eucharistic Service is done using this text. In essence, it puts us all on a “common” ground. We are governed by the Canons of the ACC. Canon means a “measuring rod.” All of our clergy and laity adhere to its standards. The Seven Ecumenical Councils are councils that contain authority and from the councils we have elements such as the Nicene Creed, doctrines of the Trinity and much, much more.

What is Anglicanism

What is Anglicanism

What We Believe

What We Believe

